How to Develop Self-Discipline

how to develop self-discipline

This article gives a broad overview of how to begin to develop self-discipline.

Including why motivation alone isn’t enough, how to form good habits, how to break bad habits, and how to stop procrastinating.

Side note, this is an older article. While still useful, you may want to check out this page for my very best and latest resources on how to build self-discipline

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31 Ways to Stop Stressing Over Things You Can’t Control

Ways to Stop Stressing Over Things You Can't Control

If you are like me, you sometimes find it tough to stop stressing over things you can’t control.

Those things can range from the little, like:

  • Traffic jams
  • Overbearing family members
  • Or getting difficult assignments at work

To the gigantic, such as:

  • Losing your job
  • Huge student loan debt
  • Or serious health issues

This article is going to give you 31 methods to stop stressing over things you can’t control —> From the little to the big.

Each have helped me, and I hope they can help you too.

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Social Distancing and My Wife’s Fear of Being Near People

social distancing and my wife's fear of being near people

Although this blog is mostly focused on helping people improve their lives, like how to develop self-discipline, I want to take a moment to talk about something more personal.

My wife, Abby, has extreme obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). But it’s not the kind you may be used to hearing about (the germ one).

Abby suffers from severe anxiety from being in close proximity to people.

These last few years she has made enormous strides to get over her fears.

She’s practiced going to the gym, eating out at restaurants, and going back to the dentist after a long absence.

Now, just as Abby is starting to recover, in comes social distancing. Something that involves an entire society avoiding being near people.

She’s not supposed to go to the gym. She’s not supposed to go to restaurants. She’s SUPPOSED to socially isolate herself.

This is like a nightmare the best Netflix writer couldn’t have concocted.

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Why Self-Discipline is Important (11 Key Reasons)

why self-discipline is important

Have you ever wondered why self-discipline is important?

This article is going to help answer that question. I am going to go over:

  1. WHAT self-discipline is
  2. Why self-discipline can be CHALLENGING
  3. Why self-discipline is IMPORTANT

Including providing 11 huge reasons WHY self-discipline is IMPORTANT, and can transform your life!

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Forming Good Habits That Stick (11 Secrets)

how to form good habits that stick

Do you have trouble forming good habits that stick?

Habits are incredibly powerful once built, but can be difficult to form.

Often, you start doing something productive (studying, exercising, eating healthy, etc.), but it doesn’t last.

You eventually lose motivation and give up.

So how do you create good, lifelong habits that make you happier and more successful?

That’s exactly what I’m going to address in this article.

Here are 11 secrets which I’ve used personally to form good habits that stick.

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